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Music role in Ayahuasca Ceremony

Music has become an essential ceremonial component in its own right. It would appear that “Ayahuasca Music” is not only a superb marketing tool for Ayahuasca to promote the field of consciousness, but it also embellishes beauty within a ceremony.


The emission of sound to stimulate the field and produce visions began when Ayahuasca called forth sound from those under medicine effects. The sounds became organized according to cultural regions and traditions.


Each tribe had a particular way in which the sound was produced, this in turn was expanded when shaman exchanged ceremonies and grafted techniques from one another. The common name for a song sung in ceremony to excite the field is “icaro” ( healing song ) traditionally and icaro was rhythmically accompanied by a chakana or a seed rattle.

Ayahuasca Music Progression

When Ayahuasca was unleashed from the Amazon basin it mixed with other cultures and traditions. The Santo Daime being one of the first to pick it up: the result was a mixture of African, Latin rhythms, Portuguese and Spanish culture. The end result of this combination was one of Christian tribal worship. The music is astounding in sound and composition. And the medicine was shared as a sacrament.


The dissolving of isolated traditions and cultural boundaries has opened up a vast library of sound that has an effect on this field. We are in the midst of an immense cultural sacrament exchange and experiment.



Connectivity and consciousness of Ceremony Music


Music differs greatly from other modalities, because music played in the moment anchors us to the present moment and surpasses our analytical mind. It stands at the opening between worlds and can be the input tool to tweak the field.


The musician provides a textural Synaesthesia palate, that is responsive to the needs of the room and the individual.


One of the common qualities of such a state is participants say that they all felt meaning at the same time and that they felt it was being sung specifically for them. This individual and at the same time collective response is a mark of it connectivity of consciousness, many things happening on many fronts at the one time.

Recorded Music?

Even recorded music even has effects, quite profound effects at time. It can very easily be quite spectacular like a stick of dynamite, it can blow the room and states apart and create a psychedelic experience. But psychedelic dynamite is not what this is about , it appeals to many and may be a way in which this field seeks simulate internal questioning concerning the difference states.


Our true value is nothing in the rollercoaster of psychedelic states but the power of transformation of our internal world and the connection to the spirit and earth.


Live music - An interface between Ayahuasca
The Mind

Playing a song stimulates our emotional states, because we are programmed by tonal variations and the meaning and expressions of words. So a good singer can elevate the sense of one’s being.


The sweetness of voice or trance rhythm of the piece all awaken different doors within the ceremony. Music acts as an interface between the ayahuasca and the mind, at times personal, at other times collective.


The presence of the one singing can transmit and hold the transformational space.


The essence to Ayahuasca music is its Transformational Power
( both personal and collective )


  • “Healing “ by raising our energies - a higher energy always rewrites over a lower one, ceremony music being a big catalyst for this process


  • The lifting of the spirit and soul with heightened beauty through stimulating the vast library where other cultures have deposited treasures.


  • The last is that the beauty reflected in song is a resurgence of the feminine into this world. Much of the shamanic is a male dominated arena, the feminine brings another hidden and lost colour to the palate. It awakens.

If You would like to know more about Ayahuasca Music and Shamballa ceremonies, please schedule a call with us, we would love to share more

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